Page 126 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 126

Jihad in Quran: A Peaceful Ideology

                 you are in fact trying to seek adjustment with the laws of nature.
                 You are pursuing the policy of buying time.
                    According  to  the law of  nature,  political rule  is not the
                 monopoly of one person or one group; it is bound to change
                 from one group to some other group, so adopting a pro-change
                 policy is wasting your time and energy in terms of the result,
                 while accepting the political status quo is simply waiting for your
                 turn which is bound to come to you, sooner or later.
                    Politics is not the only important field of human activity. There
                 are many other vital spheres of work, like education, business,
                 industry, social reform, academic  learning, scientific  research,
                 etc.  The formula of  political  status quoism means  taking  no
                 action against the prevailing political system and availing of the
                 opportunities that are present in so many other fields. In this
                 sense, political status quoism is the formula that is based on the
                 greatest wisdom.
                    If you adopt the method of political confrontation, you have
                 to fight the opposing party and fighting invariably yields negative
                 results. However, when you adopt the formula of political status
                 quoism there is no rival group, you do not need to fight against
                 anyone,  and  you have enough  time  to try to achieve what  is
                 achievable for you.

                     Jihad in Quran: A Peaceful


                       hose who are introduced to the Quran only through the
                  Tmedia generally have the impression that the Quran is a book

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