Page 131 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 131

Quranic Wisdom

                 that in both the places the same ethical norms are required—in
                 the present world as well as in the world hereafter.
                    So every man and woman must be very cautious in this regard.
                 You must understand that when you create a nuisance for others,
                 it is not simply a problem for those others but is also a great
                 problem for you, because such behaviour will certainly prevent
                 you  from being included  in the list of  those who will enter
                 Paradise. No one can afford to indulge in this kind of behaviour.
                    How should we define ‘nuisance’? Any part of your behaviour
                 that is found undesirable by your fellow beings is a nuisance.
                 You cannot say that you did not act in this manner for the sake
                 of  creating a nuisance  for others; it  is  not your opinion that
                 determines what is a nuisance and what is not; it is your fellow
                 beings who have the sole right to determine what is a nuisance
                 and what is not.

                  One quality required of the people of Paradise is the
                 ability to refrain from creating a nuisance for others,
                 i.e. the ability to live in society in complete peace and

                    In this situation, you have no excuse; you have no right to say
                 that your intentions were good. In this case, good intentions and
                 bad intentions are not relevant; the only thing that matters is the
                 reaction of your fellow beings. If your behaviour is acceptable to
                 your fellow beings, then it is not a nuisance and if your behaviour
                 is not acceptable to your  fellow beings, then it  is certainly a
                 nuisance. ‘Nuisance’ is obviously not a sin. But it is as bad as a
                 sin, because when you hurt the sentiments of your fellow beings,
                 your actions in terms of their results are certainly a sin.

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