Page 135 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 135

Quranic Wisdom

                 walking, which requires great skill if one is not to overbalance.
                 Without this skill, no one can achieve his higher goals.
                    People  of  evil character are  not entirely  worthless people.
                 They can also have a positive role, provided you deal with them
                 with a positive mind. If you can inculcate this positive quality in
                 your personality, then bad people can prove to be good teachers
                 for you from different points of view.
                    Having  a mixture of opposites in  one’s personality is  not
                 beyond one’s capacity. It is neither unnatural nor impossible. It
                 is quite natural and completely achievable for a sincere person.
                 Describing this human capacity one Western scholar has rightly
                 said: “I am large enough to contain all these contradictions.”

                    People of evil character are not entirely worthless
                   people. They can also have a positive role, provided
                        you deal with them with a positive mind.

                    No animal  has this  quality; it  is  a unique characteristic
                 bestowed upon man by his Creator. All that is needed is to unfold
                 this quality hidden in every human personality. Being a mixture
                 of opposites is a feature of personality development.
                    It is not a problem: it is rather an opportunity. A mixture of
                 opposites means having diverse qualities, the most important of
                 which is the wisdom of difference management. It is, moreover a
                 sign of principled behaviour. It is a proof of a person’s maturity.
                 The mature person adopts the formula of ignoring the problems
                 and availing of the opportunities. He has the ability to act in
                 a selective manner. He possesses the virtue of high morality. It
                 means that his behaviour is a friendly towards all mankind. He is
                 able to deal with both friend and foe alike.

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