Page 140 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 140

The Opening Chapter of the Quran

                             The Opening Chapter

                                   of the Quran

                       here are 114 chapters in the Quran, some long and some
                  Tshort. The opening chapter, Al-Fatihah (The Opening), which
                 serves  as  a  preface  to  the Quran,  comprises of  only  six short
                 verses. The translation of this chapter is as follows:
                      All praise is due to God, the Lord of the Universe;
                      the Beneficent, the Merciful;  Lord of  the Day of
                      Judgement. You alone we worship, and to You alone
                      we turn for help. Guide us to the straight path: the
                      path of those You have blessed; not of those who have
                      incurred  Your wrath, nor of  those who have gone
                      astray. (1:1-6)
                    The first verse of this chapter is: “All praise is due to God, the
                 Lord of the Universe.” This is the gist of the Quran. The basic
                 message of the Quran is that man must be grateful to God, man
                 must acknowledge God Almighty. Man must adopt a life that is
                 God-oriented. Alhamdulillah covers all these spiritual values.
                    God Almighty has created man as the superior form of life.
                 He has provided him with all those favourable things that form
                 the life-support system. He created the earth, which is the only
                 planet favourable  to human life. He gave man a mind with
                 enormous potential. It is the miracle of the mind that man was
                 able to create a civilization. All the sciences are but a product of
                 the workings of the mind.
                    In  such a  situation,  it is but natural  that man must
                 acknowledge the Creator by saying, Alhamdulillah. Without this

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