Page 141 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 141

Quranic Wisdom

                 acknowledgement, man has no right to live on this planet earth.
                 It is this acknowledgement that gives one legitimacy to live on
                 the planet earth and enjoy all the bounties created by God in
                 this world.
                    Then the second verse calls God “the Beneficent, the Merciful.”
                 These are also words of acknowledgement. When man discovers
                 the fact that the whole world is so favourable to him that it seems
                 that it was created solely for him, he is compelled to believe that
                 the Creator is not simply a creator: he is a benevolent creator in
                 the complete sense of the word. This discovery only increases
                 the spirit of Alhamdulillah. This discovery imbues him with the
                 spirit of love for God. Not only does he become a believer, but
                 his supreme concern becomes God.

                   It is the miracle of the mind that man was able to
                 create a civilization. All the sciences are but a product
                               of the workings of the mind.

                    The third verse of this chapter refers to God as: “Lord of the Day
                 of Judgement.” This expression is a natural part of man’s belief
                 about God. When God created man, and provided him with so
                 many good things, it was but natural that man should become
                 accountable to his Creator. Those who misuse their freedom will
                 be punished by God and those who use their freedom properly
                 will be rewarded. Every blessing entails responsibility and man is
                 certainly no exception to this rule.
                    The fourth verse of this chapter reads: “You alone we worship,
                 and to You alone we turn for help.” This is the real response by
                 man to his Creator. Man must worship God. When man tries to
                 acknowledge his Lord he automatically bows before Him, that is,
                 he surrenders. And his realization of God compels him to seek
                 God’s assistance, because He is a giver and man is a taker in this
                 world. This is the essence of the equation between man and God.

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