Page 142 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 142

Avoid Unnecessary Conflict

                    The fifth verse of this chapter reads: “Guide us to the straight
                 path.” This is also an automatic response from man to his God.
                 Man’s grasp of reality tells him that the greatest blessing that he
                 may ask from God is right guidance. Right guidance is a must for
                 man. And it is God alone who can set man’s foot on the right
                 path. Overwhelmed with his feelings of obligation to his Maker,
                 he says: “O God, show me the right path.”
                    The sixth verse of this chapter reads: “The path of those You
                 have blessed; not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of
                 those who have gone astray.” This verse is an elaboration of the
                 above verses of the chapter.

                       Avoid Unnecessary Conflict

                       he Prophet of Islam started his mission in Makkah in 610
                  TAD. At that time he used to pray by adopting the Kaaba as the
                 qiblah (prayer direction). Then in 622 he migrated to Madinah
                 where some Jewish tribes had settled. The Prophet then adopted
                 the Jewish qiblah for his prayers over a period of fifteen or sixteen
                 months. Then he again turned his face towards the Kaaba as the
                 qiblah for his prayers. This event is referred to in the Quran in the
                 chapter Al-Baqarah (The Heifer):

                      But even if you should produce every kind of sign for
                      those who have been given the Book, they would never
                      accept your prayer direction,  nor would  you  accept
                      their prayer direction: nor would any of them accept
                      one another’s direction. If, after all the knowledge you
                      have been given, you yield to their desires, then, you
                      shall surely become a transgressor. (2:145)

                    This  prophetic example embodies  an  important  principle:

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