Page 147 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 147

Quranic Wisdom

                    In other words, there are two sources of knowledge—religious
                 knowledge and secular knowledge. Religious knowledge is based
                 on divine revelation and secular knowledge is based on scientific
                 discovery. One, who wants to be a right thinker, must acquire
                 these two kinds of knowledge. All other knowledge besides these
                 two kinds is speculative and not authentic.
                    The above-mentioned two kinds of knowledge are not totally
                 different. They are,  in fact, complementary to each  other.
                 Revealed knowledge justifies scientific knowledge and scientific
                 knowledge confirms revealed knowledge. And both are necessary
                 for intellectual development.

                 We should peruse this book with complete sincerity, so
                  that we may learn of the basic principles of creation,
                   the real direction of human activities and the right
                                     goal for mankind.

                    It can be said that revealed knowledge is a body of basic facts,
                 while scientific knowledge goes into greater detail about them.
                 It is impossible to find any point on which they contradict each
                 other, provided revealed knowledge is preserved in its original
                 form and  scientific knowledge  is established  by  following the
                 method of strictly scientific inquiry.
                    The above Quranic verse points to the right course of study.
                 First, we have to read the revealed book. We should peruse this
                 book with complete sincerity, so that we may learn of the basic
                 principles of creation, the real direction of human activities and
                 the right goal for mankind.

                    Then we have to use scientific knowledge as a supportive factor.
                 In fact, science is a Dictionary of Creation and this dictionary is
                 very helpful in understanding the Book sent by the Creator, God
                 Almighty. So, both are equally important for having the right

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