Page 149 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 149

Quranic Wisdom

                 ideas and experiences. According to the divine scheme, marriage
                 is a communion of two such partners.
                    Man  and  woman  are like two wheels. A cart runs on  two
                 wheels. Such is the case of human life: human life also needs
                 two wheels to run smoothly and man and woman after marriage
                 provide those two wheels. The wheels may be on different sides
                 of the  cart  but  they both  play important roles and  both  are
                 completely equal. There is no inequality between the two.
                    Life, to be worth living, requires a number of vital inputs,
                 such as education, an understanding of life’s moral principles
                 and a willingness to uphold them. Those men and women who
                 are educated and who are trained in home discipline are better
                 qualified to play their respective roles. Education equips both to
                 serve as worthy partners.

                    The home is a single unit of society and society is a combination
                 of different homes. According to Quranic teachings, every home
                 must serve as a training centre for civic responsibilities and every
                 home must supply society with better members. The home, in
                 effect, is a school and husbands and wives are the teachers in
                 that school. As good teachers they produce healthy homes and
                 this in turn makes for make a healthy society. In this sense, a
                 husband and a wife are the builders of a society. Indeed, they are
                 the builders of a nation.

                  Life, to be worth living, requires a number of vital
                 inputs, such as education, an understanding of life’s
                   moral principles and a willingness to uphold them.

                    It is a fact that men and women are both different in nature,
                 but this difference  is good for their respective roles, provided
                 both  learn  the art of  difference  management.  This  habit  will
                 save their  time and  prevent  them  from being distracted  from

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