Page 139 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 139

Quranic Wisdom

                 opposite party, you are bound to taste the bitter results of your
                 action. Your negative action will  be followed  by a negative
                 reaction,  and  you shall  have to pay the  price  for your own
                 uncalled for initiatives. The best way to confront controversial
                 situations is to be cautious and to try to activate the conscience
                 of the opposite party. This policy will definitely work. The verdict
                 of your rival’s conscience will certainly go in your favour. This is
                 a simple formula for a better life.

                     The conscience checks you from indulging in any
                   evil practices, and if you do indulge in any kind
                   of misdemeanour, the conscience becomes alive and
                   compels you to repent and amend your behaviour.

                    No one is a born enemy. Enmity is a relative phenomenon of
                 a personality. It is your own negative action that turns a person
                 into your enemy.  If you  avoid negative action, the apparent
                 enmity will disappear. Enmity is the product of your own wrong
                 behaviour, and through good behaviour you can make people
                 your dear friends.
                    The ego and the conscience are both good and healthy parts
                 of the human personality. The ego, in the positive sense, gives
                 you determination; it helps you to build a strong personality and,
                 being one of your greatest strengths, it gives you the courage to
                 face challenges. Learn the art of ego management, and the ego
                 will prove to be a blessing for you.

                    The conscience is also very important for the development
                 of your personality. The conscience instills in you the spirit of
                 mercy and  enables  you to differentiate between  what  is  right
                 and what is wrong. Above all, the conscience serves as the moral
                 keeper of your personality.

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