Page 179 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 179

Quranic Wisdom

                    If you want to say anything about anyone, first of all you have
                 to examine whether what you have to say is supported by logic or
                 not. If you have good reason to speak, then you may open your
                 mouth, otherwise you should remain silent. Here the options are
                    What is right speech? Right speech is that which is based on
                 truth, which will stand up to objective analysis—being based on
                 certified data which  is  positive in nature—and  which  will  not
                 create any unnecessary problems.
                    All human activities  are related to speech  in some way or
                 the other. So, every man and woman must develop the art of
                 speaking  in a manner  which  is  positive and  which  creates a
                 healthy atmosphere in all important spheres—the family, society
                 and the nation. Good speech is the basis of nation building.

                   The art of speech management means the control of
                 your tongue, thinking before speaking and calculating
                    in advance the impact of what you have to say.

                    People generally live without discipline; they dislike imposing
                 any constraints on their activities. This is very true of speech.
                 Right  speech means  disciplined speech, talking  in a properly
                 controlled  way. That  is, weighing  every word before speaking.
                 Futile speech is good for nothing, whereas well-considered speech
                 is a source of the greatest good.
                    The art of speech management is the most vital art for a man
                 or a woman. Without acquiring this art, a man is only half a man
                 and a woman is only half a woman. Only those—both men and
                 women—who have developed the art of right speech, can be said
                 to be complete human beings.

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