Page 187 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 187

Quranic Wisdom

                 and then try to overcome the obstacles they place in your path
                 with wise and careful planning. You will soon discover that such
                 challenges are only stepping stones in your life.

                    The minus points of life are not simply minus points. They
                 act as  a  booster, they awaken  your  mind, they enhance  your
                 intellectual capacity, they enable you to enter into the process of
                 struggle with greater energy and wisdom. The minus items only
                 ensure that your success will be on a greater scale.
                    The minus points in life are like friction on the road. Every
                 road is full of minor points of friction, but these only accelerate
                 the  pace of the  vehicle; the  same is  true of human life. The
                 problems in life can be compared to friction.

                  Every such situation presents an intellectual challenge
                   in that it awakens your mind and compels you to
                    ferret out the plus items from the jungle of minus

                    In fact, minus points and plus points are both relative terms.
                 In real life, every minus is followed by a plus, and every plus is
                 followed by a minus The journey of life is like travelling in a
                 vehicle with two wheels, both of which are equally important,
                 one wheel representing the plus points and the other wheel the
                 minus points. You cannot run your vehicle on a single wheel; the
                 vehicle of life needs two wheels, both minus and plus. It is one of
                 the laws of nature, and there is no escape from the natural laws.
                    The formula for success comprises of only six words. Keep in
                 mind these six words and be certain of success.

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