Page 185 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 185

Quranic Wisdom

                 knowledge has to be a mutual venture, in the course of which
                 everyone gains something from everyone else. Here the taker is
                 the giver and the giver is the taker. Everyone plays both roles.

                    There are several ways of acquiring knowledge, one of them
                 being  through discussion  or dialogue.  Discussion  or dialogue
                 is  not just a debating  practice; it  is  an intellectual  exchange.
                 Discussion, if it is to be fruitful, requires objectivity and must be
                 carried on in the questing spirit of give and take.
                    Books are a great source of knowledge. But the study of books
                 is not simply reading. It is establishing contact and consulting
                 with other thinkers and scholars. It is like a global discussion,
                 if the reader has the true spirit, and has the ability to acquire
                 knowledge from universal sources. The library is the place for
                 this, for it is like a global conference room. A library makes it
                 possible for you to reach all the world’s minds.

                      Discussion or dialogue is not just a debating
                  practice; it is an intellectual exchange. Discussion, if
                  it is to be fruitful, requires objectivity and must be
                   carried on in the questing spirit of give and take.

                    The learning process is a must for everyone and that applies
                 to both men and women. The old man is just as much in need
                 of it as the young man. Even great scholars are no exception in
                 this regard. One scholar has rightly said, ‘Live with the spirit of
                 learning and die with the spirit of learning.’ Learning is a lifelong
                 process. It has a beginning, but no end.
                    The Prophet of  Islam once  said  that you  should  acquire
                 wisdom, even if you have to go to the ends of the earth. This
                 shows the true spirit of learning. And all men and women should
                 become imbued with this spirit.

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