Page 225 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 225

Quranic Wisdom

                        The Importance of Reason

                       he Quran gives great importance to the faculty of reason.
                  TThere are dozens of verses in the Quran that emphasize the
                 importance of rational thinking. One such verse is found in the
                 chapter Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War). The translation of this verse
                 is as under:
                      The worst creatures in God’s eyes are those who are
                      deaf  and dumb, and  who do  not use  their  reason.
                    What is reason? Reason is the power of the mind to think,
                 understand,  and  form  judgements by a process of logic.  This
                 power is given to every human being by the Creator. Reason is
                 the greatest faculty of every man and woman. Reason alone is the
                 distinctive quality of a human being.

                    Reason is not an isolated faculty. According to the Quran, the
                 fact is that the whole creation is based on reason. The religion
                 revealed by God is also a rational religion. Everyone is required
                 to plan one’s life by using reason. Those who fail to do so are
                 according to the Quran deaf, dumb and blind (2:18). Only that
                 belief is a valid belief which is based on reason and understanding.
                    Reason is so important that it is said that man is a rational
                 animal. Man has an unlimited mind, full of unlimited capacity,
                 but mind is like a hidden treasure. It is everyone’s first duty to
                 unfold  his or her potential.  One  who dies  without unfolding
                 one’s intellectual potential, is dying like an animal. Such a person
                 fails to fulfil the creation plan of God.
                    Reason  needs to be developed.  According to the Quran
                 there  are  several ways of  this  intellectual  development—study,

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