Page 229 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
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Quranic Wisdom

                 kind is inexcusable. Justice is the key to Paradise as well as to all
                 kinds of success.

                    Sensitivity as an Inner Check

                      ll men and women have a unique kind of faculty, that is,
                   Aconscience, which is the centre of moral sensitivity. This
                 faculty is a natural gift to all. The Quran refers to this faculty in
                 the chapter Al-A‘raf (The Heights):

                      If  an  evil  impulse from Satan  provokes you,  seek
                      refuge with God; He is all-hearing, and all-knowing.
                      When any evil suggestion from Satan touches those
                      who fear God, they are instantly alerted and become
                      watchful; but the followers of devils are led relentlessly
                      into error by them. They never desist. (7:200-202)
                    These Quranic verses give clear guidance on how to maintain
                 our spiritual  purity.  Each time  a person comes under  the
                 influence  of an evil  temptation, his  conscience,  or his  moral
                 sensitivity, becomes alive. It warns him almost instantly, emerging
                 like a moral teacher. It persuades man not to succumb to wrong
                 temptations and not to deviate from the right path.
                    Anyone who listens to his inner voice is surely saved from
                 becoming a victim of evil forces. But one who fails to pay heed
                 to it will lose the opportunity to act righteously. And that will be
                 his last chance.
                    Nature  has endowed  us  with  two  very  important  faculties:
                 reason  and  conscience.  Reason  works in logical terms, while
                 conscience works in terms of sensitivity. Experience shows that
                 reason sometimes guides us rightly but, quite often, its analysis
                 is wrong, being based on faulty logic. Conscience, on the other

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