Page 286 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 286

Troubles Help Self-Development

                 troubles  awaken  our mind, troubles  activate our nature,  and
                 troubles serve as an incentive to turn our potential into actuality.
                    Glaciers melt, but they melt according to the laws of nature;
                 rivers flow, but they flow according to the shape of the earth;
                 stars and planets move, but their orbits are pre-determined by the
                 law of nature; trees grow, but their growth is also pre-determined.
                 However, the case of human beings is quite different. Every man
                 and  woman  is a  self-made  person.  Certainly, they were  born
                 under the laws of nature, but after birth the development of their
                 personality lies in their own hands.
                    Man has the capacity to be able to think for himself. He has
                 the  ability  for self-planning and  self-development. He has  the
                 power to create his destiny by his own endeavours.
                    This freedom sometimes creates problems for man, but these
                 problems are the price of his freedom. And then, as a condition
                 of this freedom, man is expected to be responsible for his actions.
                 Accountability is a strict requirement for both men and women.

                    Man can exercise his freedom but he cannot change the course
                 of  nature. Those who follow the course  of  nature  meet with
                 success, while those who deviate from it will suffer. This suffering
                 is nothing but a consequence of one’s own wrong choice.
                    Now the question is how should one face a problem? The
                 answer is that one should follow divine guidance. Man is free,
                 but he is free only as regards his own actions. He has no power
                 to create a new world according to his own desires. So man must
                 exercise his freedom within the framework of nature. He must
                 understand divine guidance and must apply it to his own life.
                 The rest of the world is also following this course, but is doing
                 so under compulsion. It is only man who has been given the
                 privilege of following divine guidance by his own choice.

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