Page 291 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 291

Quranic Wisdom

                             Violation of Reason

                      very important social law regarding general suffering for
                      particular wrongs is laid down in the chapter Al-Anfal (The
                 Spoils of War) of the Quran. The translation of the relevant verse
                 is as follows:

                    And  beware  of  an  affliction that will  not smite  exclusively
                 those among you who have done wrong. Know that God is severe
                 in exacting retribution. (8:25)
                    This Quranic verse refers to a situation when, in a society,
                 some of its members are involved in corruption, while others
                 remain silent and become indifferent. If this situation persists for
                 long, the law of nature inflicts punishment upon that society. But
                 this punishment is not only confined to those who are directly
                 involved in corruption, but covers the whole of society because,
                 if some members have been directly involved in the corruption,
                 others, on account of their silence, have been indirectly involved.

                  In social matters, justice and human rights are not
                  the criteria: in such matters practical wisdom has to
                  be taken into consideration. Often pragmatism has to
                                   be the deciding factor.

                    This  law also covers those  situations in which some  are
                 engaged  in violence  against others, while  the rest of society’s
                 members have chosen to remain detached. But when reaction
                 comes  from the afflicted  party,  it affects the whole of  society
                 and not just those who were directly engaged in violence. So, in
                 every situation, people must look to the result of their actions.

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