Page 295 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 295

Quranic Wisdom

                             The Concept of Nskh

                                   in the Quran

                   t is  a common belief  that  certain verses of  the  Quran are
                 Iabrogated,  and although they can be found  in the present
                 version of the Quran, they are not in any practical sense applicable
                 to our lives. This perception is based on the following verse of
                 the Quran:
                      If We abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten, We
                      will replace it by a better one or one similar to it. Do
                      you not  know that  God  has power over all things?

                    But this interpretation is not correct. In fact, the word nskh
                 does not have the sense of eternal abrogation; it is used in the
                 sense of temporary suspension. In principle it is applicable in
                 every age, but its applicability depends upon the situation. If the
                 situation allows it, the message of these verses will be applicable,
                 but if the situation does not allow it, then the message of these
                 verses will remain suspended.
                    At present, the Quran would appear to be a complete book in
                 bound form but this kind of binding dates from a later period.
                 The fact is that the Quran was revealed in a piecemeal fashion in
                 accordance with the situation. This revelation continued for all
                 of the twenty-three years of the Prophet’s life. (It was only in the
                 final days of the Prophet’s life that the Quran was compiled in
                 its present form). Irrespective of the fact that the applicability of
                 Quranic injunctions may be contingent upon a number of factors
                 relevant to different periods and situations, the injunctions, in
                 essence, remain eternal in nature.

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