Page 292 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 292

Violation of Reason

                 Citing atrocities by the other party does not justify retaliatory
                 action against ‘enemies’. It is certain that the other party will
                 react after your action, so you have to keep your patience, instead
                 of initiating such action, which, rather than solve any problems,
                 will only create more.
                    One example of this kind is given in a verse in the chapter
                 Al-Naml (The  Ants)  in the Quran.  The story is narrated  with
                 silent appreciation. An apparent political injustice was about to
                 be inflicted upon the nation of Sheba, but the inhabitants of
                 that nation avoided a confrontational course of action because,
                 in that situation, confrontation was bound to produce negative
                 results. Their leader accepted the ‘injustice’ by saying:

                      ‘Surely, when mighty  kings  invade  a  country, they
                      despoil it and humiliate its noblest inhabitants—these
                      men will do the same.’ (27:34)
                    This precedent narrated by the Quran gives us a very important
                 principle. Sometimes you have to adjust to the situation, even if
                 it seems that it is in violation of human rights.
                    In social matters, justice and  human rights  are not the
                 criteria: in such matters practical wisdom has to be taken into
                 consideration. Often pragmatism has to be the deciding factor.
                    If you organize a group protest in the streets and some member
                 of your group throw stones at the police, it is but natural that if
                 the police are armed, they will open fire in retaliation. In such a
                 situation it is not possible for the bullets to hit only those who
                 had thrown stones, leaving the others unscathed. They will hit all
                 of your group members, even if they were silent protesters.
                    In such a situation, it is futile to say that this was a violation
                 of human rights. It was, in fact, a violation of reason rather than
                 human rights.  You  are paying the price  of  your own unwise
                 policy. So, blame yourself and not others.

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