Page 30 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 30

Avoid Confrontation

                 nature, only a few people can play the former role. Others must
                 willingly accept the latter.
                    A society can be run smoothly only when its members are
                 ready to follow this formula of nature. In every society there is a
                 person who plays the primary role, then there are other persons
                 who  play supporting  roles. Both  roles are equally important.
                 Without following this principle, no society can have the status
                 of a healthy society. This principle is a universal principle. It is
                 applicable everywhere—in the family, in society, as well as in the

                             Avoid Confrontation

                       he first chapter of the Quran, Al-Fatihah (The Opening),
                  Twas revealed in 610 A.D. At that time the Prophet of Islam
                 was in Makkah. In this chapter the Prophet was given a direction
                 from God to convey the message of tawhid (the oneness of God)
                 to his people. This chapter begins thus:
                      O you, wrapped in your cloak, arise and give warning!
                      Proclaim the glory of your Lord; purify your garments;
                      shun uncleanness;  do  not bestow a favour in the
                      expectation of receiving more in return; and for the
                      sake of your Lord, be patient. (74: 1-7)
                    At that time there was only one meeting place in the town of
                 Makkah where the Prophet could find an audience—it was the
                 courtyard of the Kaaba, a mosque built by the Prophet Abraham.
                 But the people of old Makkah were idol worshippers and they
                 had placed three hundred and sixty idols within the precincts of
                 the Kaaba.
                    It would  apparently  have been  necessary for the Prophet

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