Page 32 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 32

From Potential to Reality

                       From Potential to Reality

                      braham was a great Prophet. As a tribute to his greatness,
                   Ahe was called Abul Anbiya (Father of the Prophets). Born in
                 ancient Iraq, he travelled to different countries, such as Palestine,
                 Egypt and Syria. Lastly, he settled his wife, Hajira and their son,
                 Ishmael  in the  desert  of Arabia, in  a place near present-day
                    The Quran  narrates the story of  the life of  the Prophet
                 Abraham in different chapters. The above story is referred to in
                 chapter fourteen. When the Prophet Abraham settled there, he
                 said a prayer to God Almighty, which is recorded in the chapter
                 Ibrahim (Abraham) of the Quran:

                      O Lord!  I have  settled some  of  my offspring in an
                      uncultivable valley near Your Sacred  House,  Lord,
                      so that they may establish prayer. So, make people’s
                      hearts incline towards them and provide them with
                      fruits, so that they may be grateful. (14:37)
                    One aspect of this story was purely religious. This aspect is
                 quite well-known. But there is also another aspect to it that may
                 be termed secular. The latter aspect of this story has also a great
                 lesson to teach. And this is no doubt a universal lesson.
                    I would say that this prayer was not a mysterious prayer. It was
                 the invocation of a natural law, that is, God created the present
                 world with great potential and then He gave man the capacity to
                 turn this potential into reality.

                    Four thousand years ago, when this event occurred, most of
                 this area was a desert. This was the same area that is now in
                 the broader sense called the Middle East. It is now a land where

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