Page 84 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 84

Spiritual Partners

                    Man and woman are born partners to each other. This natural
                 pair has the enormous capacity to develop their personalities in
                 terms of spirituality. The combination of a man and a woman
                 gives both  of them  great opportunities  to unfold the  hidden
                 treasure of spirituality in their nature. Both men and women are
                 like cogwheels. One cog cannot move the wheel: the wheel of life
                 can be moved only with the joint effort of both.
                    But there is a price to be paid for this. Without paying this
                 price, no pair can move the wheel of life. This price, in a single
                 word, is none other than adjustment. The fact is that in spite
                 of all their similarities, both have been born with differences.
                 Difference  is a  part of  nature. There  is no  uniformity in the
                 scheme of things in nature. So, we have no option but to learn
                 the art of difference management.

                 Man and woman are spiritual partners to each other.
                  Mutual love and affection are the binding forces for

                    One’s failure in this regard is tantamount to failure in life
                 itself.  If you want to develop your spirituality, try to adjust
                 with your spouse. Spirituality is the highest goal one can aim
                 to achieve. Without  spirituality, man and  woman are both
                 incomplete. Spirituality  gives you  wisdom and  strength.  And
                 both are necessary to have a successful life.

                    Spirituality  leads  to personality development. And only
                 developed personalities can attain the status of super achievers
                 in this world.

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