Page 86 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 86

De-condition the Mind

                 remove these external forms of pollution and restore the human
                 personality to its pristine state.
                    In this sense, one can say that every human being has two
                 different  periods  of  his  life—the pre-maturity period  and  the
                 post-maturity period. In the former period, due to conditioning,
                 everyone’s  mind is  full of  different elements,  both  black
                 and white. Thus everyone’s mind is a jungle of thoughts. De-
                 conditioning then basically calls for the mind to be sorted out.
                 Through introspection or self-criticism, all those notions which
                 are really undesirable can be discovered. The fact is that in the age
                 of immaturity, no one has the power to distinguish between the
                 true and the specious, so he imbibes everything indiscriminately.
                 Now he needs to cast out all erroneous and therefore superfluous
                 ideas. For this, he has to develop the power to recognize which
                 are the undesirable elements of which he must rid his mind, so
                 as to make himself a purified person or a de-conditioned mind.

                    There is no mathematical way to sort out this mixture of good
                 and  bad.  It is a  completely subjective  process.  Everyone  must
                 develop the power to distinguish between wanted and unwanted
                 things,  between biased and  unbiased  opinions.  This  kind of
                 ability is a must if you are to de-condition your conditioning.
                    Why de-condition? The process  of  conditioning  has a
                 deleterious effect upon your personality.  It  is  the  art  of de-
                 conditioning that  makes you able to return to your  original
                 status. The process of de-conditioning is a process of cleansing.
                 There is no other way to develop your potential other than de-
                 conditioning or cleansing.

                    De-conditioning  is  not a very easy  process. You  have to
                 initiate a relentless process by which to identify and eliminate all
                 undesirable facets of your personality. It is like self-flagellation,
                 during  which you  should  be  prepared  to  accept all kinds  of
                 criticism.  Conditioning is like  living  in darkness,  whereas  de-
                 conditioning means re-entering the golden light of day.

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