Page 90 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 90

Conspiracy: Not a Problem

                 a challenge rather than as a manifestation of enmity. Exert your
                 energy on only one front, that is, to meet the challenge. This is
                 the best way to cope with the problem of conspiracy.

                    Conspiracy or bad design is not an evil. It has great positive
                 value. In fact it serves as a blessing in disguise. It shocks your
                 mind and activates your intellect. It helps to turn your potential
                 into actuality. It saves you from being a victim of stagnation.

                     Give positive response to a situation. Assess the
                  situation dispassionately. Plan your action with an
                                       objective mind.

                    Conspiracy is a phenomenon  of  competition and  not a
                 phenomenon of enmity. In this world of competition, everyone
                 is practically a ‘conspirator’. Others are engaged in conspiracies
                 against  you  and  you  also are engaged  in conspiracies against
                 others, sometimes  consciously and  sometimes  unconsciously,
                 sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly. Conspiracy is not
                 a monopoly of others. No one in this world is free from this
                 practice. There is only one place that is free from conspiracy or
                 bad design and that is the graveyard.
                    So,  take  it easy. Don’t  waste  your  time in complaint and
                 protest. Give positive response to a situation. Assess the situation
                 dispassionately. Plan your action with an objective mind.
                    By applying wisdom, manage your emotions. Face the situation
                 with a normal mind. Try to win over your self and you will be
                 able to win the whole world of conspiracy and enmity.
                    The secret of success and failure both can be summed up in
                 these words: the result of negative response is failure, and the
                 result of positive response is success.

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