Page 94 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 94

Universal Brotherhood

                 directly to the heart of the people. It has the power to change
                 people’s character. It may revolutionize people’s mind. It is this
                 quality of sound speech that can bring about reform in a society.
                 It has the power to build a healthier nation.
                    Sound  speech  or sound writing  represents  the  whole
                 personality of a man. Sound speech or sound writing is a sign
                 of an integrated personality. It tells that the concerned person is
                 an honest person. It means that what he is saying is not simply
                 as lip-service on his behalf, but is his sincere opinion. He is free
                 of hypocrisy. There is no difference between his thinking and his

                    A person having these qualities is a great asset for his society.
                 His sound thinking is a guarantee that he will not create problems
                 for his fellow beings. He will live as a trustworthy person. He will
                 be free of the self-centred mentality. He will follow his conscience
                 rather than his own interest. He will adopt a principled character.
                 His sound thinking will make him sound in every aspect of life.
                    According to the Quran, sound speech or right speech is divine
                 speech; it is like speaking the language of Paradise. Paradise is
                 the place where only right persons will find entry, so one who
                 follows this principle, he is liable to seek double blessing by God.
                 He becomes a good member of a society in this world and in
                 the Hereafter he will be accepted as a fortunate member of the
                 society of Paradise.

                           Universal Brotherhood

                   n the very first chapter of the Quran, Al-Fatihah (The Opening),
                 Ithe  concept  of universal brotherhood is  highlighted. The
                 translation of the relevant verse is as follows:

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