Page 99 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 99

Quranic Wisdom

                 Prophet of  Islam started  a  mission in Arabia,  which was
                 completely peaceful. But at that time people did not have the
                 religious freedom that  we have today.  They were, therefore,
                 greatly angered by his  initiatives and  ultimately started  a war
                 against him.
                    A war-like situation did not favour the Prophet. He wanted
                 to convey his  message to everyone  but, with  such  adverse
                 circumstances, all normal contacts were almost totally severed.
                 This was particularly acute on the occasion of the confrontation
                 between the Prophet and his companions and the non-Muslim
                 forces at Hudaybiyyah. The Prophet and his followers wanted to
                 proceed to Makkah from Hudaybiyyah to perform their religious
                 rites at the  Kaaba. But  the  other  party  stopped them  from
                 doing so. The Prophet, wanting quite naturally to normalize the
                 situation, initiated peace talks between the two parties, which
                 lasted  two  weeks.  These have  been  recorded  in history as the
                 Hudaybiyyah Treaty.

                  Interaction should definitely be engaged in, whatever
                                        the situation.

                    The  Prophet  discovered that  the  other  party, with  their
                 negative mindset, was in no way ready to halt their militancy.
                 He offered, therefore, to accept all their conditions unilaterally,
                 provided that they agreed to end the hostilities. This offer was
                 accepted,  resulting  in  a ten-year no-war pact  between  the  two
                    When this  peace  treaty  was finalized,  God  revealed  the
                 verses given above in the Quran. At face value, the Hudaybiyyah
                 Treaty was like a defeat, for the price paid by the Prophet was
                 his unilateral acceptance of all the conditions laid down by the
                 other party. But the Quran, in the above verses, declared it as a
                 ‘clear victory’. In what sense was it a clear victory? The answer is

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