Page 104 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 104

The Value of Differences

                 handle matters with great care, otherwise the result will be like
                 the smashing of delicate glassware. If this happens, it will lead
                 to a breakdown in relationships and you cannot afford such a
                    The human personality, a unique  combination of  mind
                 and body, is a great boon for every man and woman. If you use
                 your personality to the best advantage, you will become a super
                 achiever. But then there is the other possibility, that is, of putting
                 your personality to the wrong use. Misusing your personality is
                 like mishandling glassware. You are doomed to paying a heavy
                 price for doing so. But, if properly used, it will lead to super
                 achievement. Improper use will lead to dismal failure.

                    There are numerous creatures in this world, but out of all of
                 them, man is quite unique in having freedom of choice. Freedom
                 of choice is a valuable asset that elevates man to the highest rank.
                 But freedom of choice is a double-edged sword. It may kill your
                 enemy but at the same time it can kill you too. So, while one
                 who is extremely cautious can become a universal hero, one who
                 opts for rash, ill-considered courses of action will be reduced to
                 a total zero.

                          The Value of Differences

                     niformity  is not the culture  of  our world. This  lack  of
                 Uuniformity is observable all over the world. The Quran affirms
                 this fact. It says that the stones of the mountains are different in
                 colour (35:27), in plants there are diverse varieties (20:53), and
                 the same picture is observable in the animal world. Regarding
                 man, the Quran, in the chapter Al-Rum (The Romans) has this
                 to say:

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