Page 100 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 100

The Creation Plan of God

                 quite obvious. The Hudaybiyyah Treaty successfully removed the
                 deadlock and opened the door to peaceful interaction between
                 the two parties.

                    The result showed  that  this  had been  a piece of  master-
                 strategy. Where the war-time situation had suspended all kinds
                 of interaction, after the peace treaty the door to interaction was
                 thrown wide open. It is a fact that where there is interaction there
                 is discussion, and where there is discussion, there is ideological
                 exchange, and where there is ideological exchange, there is every
                 opportunity to establish  one’s ideological  supremacy over the
                 other party. And that is exactly what happened.

                    A few years after the signing of this treaty, almost the whole
                 of Arabia accepted the ideology of the Prophet of Islam. Peaceful
                 combat through ideology proves to be far more effective than the
                 might of the sword.
                    The Hudaybiyyah experience  was not simply a  matter of
                 religion. It is relevant to all the affairs of human life. It gives
                 us a master formula to manage all controversial matters, within
                 the family and in society, as well as at the national level. If you
                 are facing violent extremism from opponents, make them ready
                 to establish peace, even if it means accepting their conditions
                 unilaterally. In the long  run,  due  to the ensuing  peaceful
                 relationship, you will be a success.

                       The Creation Plan of God

                    veryone asks the same questions: Who am I? Why I am here
                 Eon this planet earth? What is the purpose of man? What is
                 success and what is failure? These questions may be summed up
                 in a single sentence: What is the creation plan of the Creator?

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