Page 96 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 96

Man and Nature

                      deceased non-Muslim?” The Prophet replied: Alaysat
                      nafsan (Was he not a human being?) (Sahih al-Bukhari,

                    This  example set by the Prophet of  Islam shows that
                 irrespective of  religion or tradition,  all men and  women are
                 equal, all are human beings, all are equally honourable members
                 of humanity at large. Everyone was created by God like oneself
                 and one’s community. This concept of universality is the first
                 basis of universal unity among all mankind.
                    Universal brotherhood is not simply an abstract idea. It has
                 the capacity to inculcate the highest human values among all
                 men and  women. It widens the horizon of  the individual, it
                 makes people broadminded. It elevates people above all kinds of
                 superficial thinking. It gives people a higher standard by which
                 to live their lives. It revolutionizes people’s minds and fosters this
                 universal belief: I am for all and all are for me.
                    The concept of universal brotherhood is a killer of all kinds of
                 negative thinking. It originates a new kind of thinking, by which
                 people are bound to adopt God-based thinking. After adopting
                 this principle, every society becomes a kind of universal society.
                 This concept serves as a bulldozer of all kinds of prejudices and

                              Man and Nature

                   n the chapter Al-Kahf (The Cave),  the Quran  gives a very
                 Iimportant piece of  guidance. Addressing the Prophet, the
                 Quran says:

                      Keep yourself attached to those  who  call on their
                      Lord, morning and evening, seeking His pleasure; and

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