Page 93 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 93

Quranic Wisdom

                 Ahzab (The Confederates) the Quran gives its guidance in this
                 regard in these words:
                      Believers, fear God, and say the straight speech. He
                      will make your conduct sound and forgive you your
                      sins.  Whoever  obeys  God and  His  Messenger  has
                      indeed achieved a great success. (33:70-71)

                    The fear of God is not simply a fear, fear of God makes you
                 highly sincere, it makes you responsible, it makes you honest,
                 and it is these qualities that make you able to speak in a sound
                 manner. And there is no doubt about it that sound thinking has
                 the greatest importance in terms of personality development as
                 well as in terms of building a better society.
                    Sound thinking leads to sound speech. Sound speech is one in
                 which there is no confusion and which is based on facts. Sound
                 thinking inculcates realistic thinking and it is realistic approach
                 that leads to all kinds of success.

                   Sound speech or sound writing represents the whole
                 personality of a man. Sound speech or sound writing
                         is a sign of an integrated personality.

                    Sound speech or sound writing is easily understandable. It
                 addresses peoples mind, it touches the heart of men and women.
                 A sound thinker always speaks in the language of nature, and
                 nature is common to both the speaker and the listener. It is this
                 commonality that makes speaking and writing of a sound thinker
                 acceptable to all.
                    Sound thinking is always based on reason; sound thinking is
                 a result of awakening your mind; sound thinking is an outcome
                 of deep contemplation; sound thinking is free of all kinds of bias
                 and prejudice.
                    Due to this quality sound speech and sound writing reaches

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