Page 102 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 102

Making the Right Choice

                 temporary period of testing, and that once they qualify in the
                 test, they will be fortunate candidates for eternal Paradise.
                    This Quranic notion explains human life. It explains not only
                 the existence of man, but also all the misadventures that he faces
                 in this world. It gives great meaning to all the good and the bad
                 in life.

                    Man is born with unique qualities, he is born with unlimited
                 desires, his mind has enormous capacity but, before realizing his
                 potential and before fulfilling his desires, his life comes to an

                   This divine scheme gives man great hope. The present
                    world may be one of problems, for in this world
                   there are sorrows, pains and unwanted situations.
                  But the divine scheme of life prescribed in the Quran
                                  gives us a great solace.

                    Given his often untimely demise, man seems to be a completely
                 inexplicable phenomenon, but in the light of the above divine
                 scheme, human  life becomes  completely explainable  and
                 understandable. Keeping this in mind, one sees how everything
                 falls into place.

                        Making the Right Choice

                       he chapter  Al-Tin (The Fig)  of  the Quran is  very short,
                  Tbut it has a great lesson, a universal message for all men and
                 woman—an eternal formula for a successful life. The translation
                 of the relevant verses is as follows:

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