Page 109 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 109

Quranic Wisdom

                    These Quranic verses refer to the period of  decline  of  the
                 ummah (Muslim community). This degeneration has come about
                 because the members of the Muslim community have lost their
                 fear of God and have become insensitive to their faith. So, what
                 is the formula for their regeneration, or their reform, so that they
                 may be brought back on to the right path?
                    The formula is given  here in terms of  an  example from
                 agriculture. With  the passage  of  time, land  which had been
                 fertile becomes barren. When the farmer tries to make his land
                 fertile again, he begins his task by preparing the land and not
                 by harvesting. If he starts his job by harvesting, it would be like
                 putting the cart before the horse.

                     At that time Muslims need to revive their faith,
                    to rediscover the living ideology of Islam and to
                    re-awaken their minds along the lines which were
                      followed by the Prophet and his companions.

                    The same is true of the declining Muslim community. Here,
                 reformers must start their task  from the beginning, and  not
                 from the end. For example, if they try in such circumstances to
                 establish their political rule, it will not work. But if they start by
                 reviving the spirit of religion, awakening the soul, and bringing
                 about intellectual development, then it will be a right beginning.
                    The decline of an ummah means decline in terms of spirit,
                 and not in terms of form. Forms or rituals have always been in
                 existence: what disappears is the spirit. So, it is the spirit that
                 needs to be revived, and not merely forms or rituals.

                    What is degeneration?  Degeneration  is simply a  kind  of
                 detachment. When people forget the original message of Islam
                 and  cling merely  to  some  lifeless  rituals—that is the sign of
                    At that time Muslims need to revive their faith, to rediscover

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