Page 110 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 110

The Prophet-s Life wasan Open Book

                 the living ideology of Islam and to re-awaken their minds along
                 the lines which were followed by the Prophet and his companions.
                 It is this act which is called in the Hadith (saying of the Prophet)
                 tajdeed, or revival.
                    The process of tajdeed cannot be successful if the reformers
                 want simply to revive the ritualistic form of Islam. The above
                 example of the barren land tells us that the starting point for
                 reform is intellectual awakening and not simply the revival of
                 ritualistic practices.
                    Moreover, the task  of  revival  needs  a creative approach
                 entailing the use of the contemporary idiom; reformers should
                 try to sense their listeners’ moods and preach in such a manner
                 that their minds may be addressed. If people’s minds are not
                 addressed,  then  no  reform movement  will yield  any positive

                          The Prophet s Life was

                                  an Open Book

                      ccording  to the Quran,  the  Prophet of  Islam lived an
                   Aexemplary life. Different aspects of the prophetic character
                 are described in the Quran, one of which is alluded to in the
                 chapter Yunus (Jonah). The translation of the relevant verse is as

                      Say, ‘If God had so wished, I would not have recited
                      it  to you,  nor would  He have brought it  to your
                      knowledge. Indeed,  I have spent a whole lifetime
                      among you before it came to me. How can you not
                      use your reason?’ (10:16)

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