Page 108 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 108

The Phenomenon of Degeneration

                 in helping one to evolve as a developed personality, is the key
                 to all kinds of success. It saves one from provocation, anger and
                 unnecessary involvement. It is a master formula by which one
                 can manage all the affairs of one’s life. Without self-discipline,
                 one is like an animal, whereas with self-discipline one becomes a
                 man in the complete sense of the word. Self-discipline, in setting
                 bounds to one’s freedom, helps one to manage one’s desires and
                 checks one from going astray.
                    Self-discipline is an act of the present, but it brings one great
                 benefit in the future. Self-discipline is the best formula for future
                 building. It saves one from saying: “Alas, I missed the bus!”

                  The Phenomenon of Degeneration

                         uslims, like other religious communities, went through
                  Ma phase of degeneration in their later period and matters
                 have not improved in the present day. What to do when this
                 happens? The remedy was outlined in advance in the chapter Al-
                 Hadid (Iron) of the Quran. The translation of the relevant verses
                 is as follows:
                      Has the  time  not come for the faithful when
                      their  hearts in all  humility  should  engage  in the
                      remembrance of God and of the revelation of truth,
                      so that they should not become like those who were
                      given the Book before them, whose hearts with the
                      passage of time became hardened and many of whom
                      were  disobedient?  Remember that God  brings the
                      earth back to life after its death. We have made Our
                      signs clear to you, so that you may fully understand.

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