Page 13 - July 2023 INET Magazine
P. 13

When we go to a city we take extra time to see     Recently,  a  client  got  to  see  behind  the
             friends, have adventures, visit a brewery, go to a  scenes  and  said,  “I  thought  Betsy  was  just
             great restaurant and make memories. It makes       ‘the wife’, I really got to see how Betsy was
             travel so much more fun.                           truly  involved,  carrying  a  lot  of  the  weight,
                                                                and  making  sure  things  were  run  the  right
             When  I’m  having  fun  on  a  trip  I’m  a  better
             speaker.  When  I’m  a  better  speaker  we  make  way.”  And  while  Betsy  is  heavily  involved  in
                                                                the  day  to  day  operations,  her  number  one
             more sales and the business grows.                 job is making sure the heart of the company
             WE HAVE FUN AT WORK AT OUR EVENTS                  stays in the right place.

             We  do  multi-day  intensives  which  involve  a  lot  WE GO TO AT LEAST ONE PERSONAL
             of personal growth.
                                                                DEVELOPMENT INTENSIVE PER YEAR
             As  we  both  really  love  and  care  about  people,  Personal growth lets us succeed in all our
             we have a blast seeing our clients grow and win    life, so we go to at least one intensive per
             in business and life. We just have fun together    year. In the first half of this year we signed
             so our work at events is fun together.             up for a one year leadership course, and took
                                                                an 11 day NLP course together.
             Speaking  of  events,  we  met  at  one  of  my
             events, so you could say events are in the DNA     WE’RE GRATEFUL FOR EACH OTHER
             of our relationship.
                                                                Having her help is an amazing gift.
             OUR SKILLS AND INTERESTS                           For instance, when I get set up for a zoom
             COMPLIMENT EACH OTHER                              speaking gig, Betsy will help me get my
                                                                coffee, water and space set up. It may seem
             While I love the camera, you’ve got to try hard    like she’s just “helping” with coffee, and it
             to catch Betsy on camera (don’t get me wrong,      goes so beyond that. She’s really providing
             our  people  love  seeing  Betsy  on  camera  and  care, and a space of encouragement,
             she’s great at it).                                support and “You can do it.”

                                                                Having her in my corner, someone who
             I love to connect with a big group, Betsy loves
             the more intimate conversations.                   believes in me, makes it easier to rock a
             I  craft  the  big  event,  Betsy  takes  care  of  the  SALES COME EASIER
             details and makes sure every individual is cared
             for.                                               Our sales have skyrocketed since Betsy
                                                                joined the company. We went from multiple 6
             WE TAKE A LOT OF TIME OFF                          figures to multi-million in 3 short years.
                                                                Part of it is her encouragement, a huge part
             We  encourage  our  clients  to  work  3  weeks  a  of it is what she says to me before
             month,  and  11  months  a  year  and  we  take    speeches and sales calls, “Be blessed and
             multiple  vacations,  and  in  a  regular  month,  we  be a blessing.” It reminds me to focus on
             plan our rest and recovery days. The downtime      serving and to accept blessings.
             allows  us  to  refresh,  connect,  and  come  back
                                                                Remember how Betsy travels with me now?
                                                                Well, meeting people at events is so much
             BETSY HOLDS THE HEART                              easier when you’re in a team.
             People  love  meeting  her,  and  while  I  deliver
             amazing training, she makes them feel loved and    We pray for our audiences, attendees,
             at home and between the two of us, we can keep     clients, and team members.
             our  people  engaged  and  still  have  space  for

             Continued on Page 14                                        iNETrepreneur Magazine | Page 13
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