Page 16 - July 2023 INET Magazine
P. 16

By Lori Osborne

             I am often asked what I consider most important with a website – design, brand, or SEO? It is a
             challenging question because all three should work together to achieve the goal of generating
             new business! Let’s look at how and why…

             Website Design
             “Website Design” can refer to how a website is laid out, how pages are designed, and the overall
             look of a site. For this discussion, we are referring to the look and feel, and whether or not it is
             visually  appealing.  The  first  thing  to  keep  in  mind  here  is  that  nothing  appeals  to  everyone!
             Therefore,  it  is  only  vital  that  it  appeals  to  YOU  and  YOUR  PROSPECTS!  Why  not  just  your

             Two reasons:

             (1) We tend to attract those who are like us so if you find it appealing, your prospects most
             likely will as well.

             (2) If you like your website, you are more apt to share it! I have found that business owners who
             are unhappy with their websites tend to avoid even mentioning it.

             Since  we  know  not  everyone  will  respond  the  same  to  your  website  design  or,  frankly,  your
             products and services, it is imperative to start by defining your ideal client (or customer avatar),
             and, therefore, your target audience.

             Your Brand
             According  to  The  Dictionary  of  Brand,  brand  is  “a  person’s  perception  of  a  product,  service,
             experience, or organization.” Is that surprising? I have found that most people believe branding
             is strictly your logo, colors, and fonts. No! As a small business owner, YOU ARE YOUR BRAND! And
             since  most  people  make  decisions  based  on  emotion  (Harvard  research  shows  95%  of
             purchasing decisions are subconscious), it is crucial that you find the best ways to communicate
             your brand to your customer avatar. How do you do that? Once you define your customer avatar,
             you  need  to  understand  your  brand  archetype,  or  as  stated  by  branding  expert  Kaye  Putnam,
             “the DNA of your brand—the underlying blueprint that shapes its identity, communication style,
             and  emotional  appeal.  It’s  the  secret  sauce  that  makes  your  brand  unforgettable, resonates
             with your audience on a profound level, and sets you apart from the competition.” I recommend
             Kaye’s archetype process because it helps you understand which of the archetypes you fit in
             and how to apply that to your overall brand development. (You can take Kaye’s brand quiz at

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