Page 21 - July 2023 INET Magazine
P. 21

In  turn,  my  clients  were  delighted  with  the
                                                                outcomes  they  achieved.  As  a  result,  my

                             By Craig Darling                   company  became  more  profitable,  and  the
                                                                burden of anxiety that had weighed me down
            As  I  sat  on  the  picturesque  beaches  of  Aruba,
           mind  wandered  through  the  transformative         dissipated  like  a  bag  of  ice  cubes  on  a
            attending  an  exclusive  mastermind  event,  my
                                                                sweltering Arizona sidewalk in July.
            journey that had led me to that moment. My path     I  achieved  tangible,  significant  results  by
            began  with  establishing  my  own  Marketing       shifting my focus away from mere Facebook
            Agency, where I offered a range of services such    likes  and  superficial  vanity  metrics.  The
            as  website  development  and  social  media        power of Google My Business, now known as
            management.  However,  the  relentless  pressure    Google  Business  Profiles,  became  the
            of  deadlines  and  the  constant  need  to  acquire  cornerstone  of  my  success.  For  instance,  I
            new  clients  left  me  feeling  perpetually  anxious  generated a jaw-dropping 4,432%+ increase
            and stressed.                                       in direction requests for Phillips Law Group in
                                                                Arizona. At the same time, an RV dealership
            One particular task that added to my emotional      in Sun City witnessed an astronomical surge
            drain  was  managing  Facebook  pages.  The         of  14,800%  in  direction  requests.  Brandon
            endless  stream  of  negativity  that  permeated    Dodge  in  Colorado  became  the  top  search
            the  platform  left  me  feeling  drained  and      result  over  a  million  times,  resulting  in  3.5
            uninspired. With each new client I took on, I felt  million   actions,   including   phone   calls,
            like I was digging myself into a deeper hole with   direction requests, website visits, and image
            no apparent way out.                                views.  Their  success  was  so  notable  that
                                                                AutoNation eventually acquired them.
            But  then,  something  serendipitous  happened.  I
            stumbled upon a small but significant discovery     Before I knew it, I assisted over 300 clients
            that  completely  shifted  my  outlook  on  my      in optimizing their Google Business Profiles.
            agency. It turned out that there was a massive      Today, the picture looks vastly different from
            untapped market worth $1.29 trillion right under    when  I  first  embarked  on  this  journey.
            my  nose,  and  astonishingly,  very  few  people   Managing  Google  for  my  clients  has
            were even aware of its existence.                   propelled  my  business  to  new  heights  and
                                                                made my life enjoyable once again. Each day,
            From  that  moment  forward,  I  consciously        I wake up with a sense of purpose, knowing
            focused  solely  on  this  newfound  opportunity.   that I am making a positive difference.
            The results were nothing short of remarkable. By
            openly  sharing  my  knowledge  and  expertise      So,  if  you  find  yourself  in  a  position  where
            about  this  untapped  market,  I  inadvertently    things are going reasonably well but could be
            attracted  business  owners  and  entrepreneurs     better,  consider  that  you  too  can  achieve  a
            who  were  eager  to  avail  themselves  of  my     life  where  people  seek  you  out  for  your
            services.                                           expertise  and  willingly  pay  you  what  you're
                                                                worth. All it takes is a laser-like focus on one
            The  effect  was  profound—I  felt  reinvigorated   high-value  offer.  And  sooner  than  you  think,
            and  found  myself  springing  out  of  bed  each   new client opportunities will flood your inbox,
            morning,  excited  to  assist  my  clients  in      ushering  in  a  new  era  of  success  and
            enhancing their online visibility.                  fulfillment.

                                                                                 Craig Darling, Darling Local, Inc.
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