Page 23 - January 23 2023
P. 23
Shiraz Baboo - An Award-Winning Darin Adams - An award-winning
Author, International Speaker, and communication and marketing expert
Reality Interventionist. Shiraz helps you who has coached thousands of
to annihilate your unconscious businesses around the world how to
addiction to stories of struggle and build connections with their audiences.
lack, resulting in an abundance of free
time, money, and energy. Rebecca Murtagh - A futurist, author,
speaker, and CEO is is a trusted advisor
Hannah Kesler - 2nd generation of the to C-Suite executives and
Infinite Banking Concept. She teaches entrepreneurs who want to make a
how to recycle, recapture, and keep positive impact on their organization,
total control of your hard-earned team, community, industry, and world.
dollars through privatized banking.
Dr. Mary Zennett - A psychiatrist of 35
Abigail Tiefenthaler - Known as the years with advanced training in lifestyle
“Launch and Leverage Strategist,” medicine and an MBA in health care with
Abigail Tiefenthaler is the Co-Founder emphasis on public health.
of Savvy Sales Strategy, a marketing Ira Rosen - Founding Partner of BBB A+
and sales agency that works with Accredited Mojo Global. B2B Lead
businessowners who want 6-figure Generation & Conversion Expert
years and need Implementation with Speaker & Author.
Impact to get results. We are client-
getting and social selling specialists Lori Osborne - Founder and Chief
that use simplified programs to Solution Architect for BizBolster Web
support professionals offering high- Solutions, a public speaker, and a
ticket services. published best-selling author. Lori
designs websites and sets up SEO
Makram Jreissat - B.S. Civil Engineering tools.
and Co-Founder of DareDev and
TapSite providing affordable website Christopher Keilbart - 10 years in the
and app development services for small Financial industry. His focus is on
businesses and startups. helping families get the education and
services they need to reach their goals
Krys Pappius - Mindset Coach, Krys’ from insurance to investing and
mission is to share what she has mortgage lending .
learned with other women who are
ready to create a life of value and
purpose for themselves.