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Remember, your prospect is on your website
                                                                because they have a problem, and they want
                                                                to know if and how you can fix it. By providing
                                                                them  with  a  download,  an  informative  video,
                                                                an e-book, etc., you are literally telling them
                                                                how  you  can  help  them  by  providing
                                                                something  they  need  and  can  learn  from
                                                                while  also  demonstrating  your  expertise.
                                                                This is a great way to share your knowledge
                                                                while  also  building  the  know,  like,  and  trust
           Do  you  want  more  clients?  I  have  found  one  of   relationship with them.

                          By Lori Osborne
                                                                  Tip #3 – Make sure your website is
            the best ways to grow your business is for your         set up for solid Search Engine
            website  to  WORK  FOR  YOU  as  the  true                   Optimization (SEO)!
            marketing  tool  it  was  intended  to  be!         Unfortunately,  most  web  developers  are
            Unfortunately,  so  few  businesses  do  this.      great  at  building  attractive  websites,  but
            Instead,    their   websites     are   stagnant     have no idea how to make them SEO-friendly.
            placeholders on the Internet that rarely show up    As a result, you can do all the things we tell
            when  prospects  search  for  what  they  offer  or  you  to  improve  your  SEO,  but  your  website
            don’t keep their attention once they do find it.
                                                                still  may  not  be  found.  Google  sees  the
            Your  website  is  the  ideal  tool  to  start  building  website  structure  and  all  the  meta  data
            the “know, like, and trust” necessary to convert    behind-the-scenes  and  expects  it  to  follow
            most  prospects  to  customers.  How  do  you       key  standards  such  as  heading  formats,
            accomplish this? See my three tips below:           page data, image sizes, image descriptions,
                                                                loading   speed,    security,   and   mobile
             Tip #1 – Speak to your ideal client and
                                                                optimization. To rank well in searches, there
                         THEIR pain points!                     are  many  factors  to  keep  in  mind,  and
            To  do  this,  you  have  to  KNOW  who  your  ideal  starting with a solid foundation is key.
            client  is,  including  their  average  age,  gender,
            profession,  hobbies,  and  even  how  and  where
            they  communicate.  You  also  need  to  be
            incredibly  clear  about  WHY  they  need  you.  The
            more you know about your ideal client and their
            pain  points,  the  better  you  can  speak  to  the
            emotional side of why they are on your website
            in the first place! Two things I know for sure – (1)
            prospects  are  visiting  your  website  with  WIFM
            (What’s  In  It  For  Me?)  on  their  mind  and  (2)
            people  tend  to  buy  on  emotion  and  justify  with
            logic1. Therefore, it is critical that you speak to
            their pain points and their emotions.
              Tip #2 – Always provide an enticing
            and free opt-in at the top of your Home

            When I say free opt-in, I do not mean a free call     1
            or newsletter signup. What your website visitors       we-buy-on-emotion-justify-with-logic-yet-we-sell-to-
            really want is to know HOW YOU CAN HELP THEM.                 mr-rational-ignore-mr-intuitive/

                                                                     Lori Osborne, BizBolster Web Solutions LLC.
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