Page 15 - January 23 2023
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And so automation’s job is to take the things But it can also help turn leads into prospects.
off your plate that don’t need to be done by a
human, which should free up your time to It can help deliver your customer experience.
focus more on the highest return activities - Support your partner program. Collect
the things that you are uniquely qualified to receivables. Onboard new employees.
do, that you enjoy, or that are genuinely the
best use of your time and talents. Or any other number of business activities.
Marketing Automation If you want to start with marketing activities
only helps with that’s fine - but don’t fall into the trap of
marketing activities limiting the scope of where automation can be
useful, because automation is a versatile tool
The phrase “marketing automation” itself has that can help your business grow in any
some inherent flaws. number of ways.
The flaw isn’t that it’s wrong, because it If you limit yourself to thinking about it as a
absolutely can help with the marketing and “marketing only” tool, then you’re going to
lead generation activities in your business. artificially limit the ROI it makes possible.
Wrapping Up
The flaw is that it’s just...incomplete.
Automation is a powerful tool - but popular
Yes, it can help capture and nurture leads. misconceptions like these can pop up as
artificial obstacles that slow us down, or
derail the progress that we might otherwise
For more automation case studies and
examples, check out the resources on the
Darin Adams, Keap iNETrepreneur Magazine | Page 15