Page 11 - January 23 2023
P. 11

By Krys Pappius
            Most of us acknowledge that midlife is a
                           time of change.
            Typically,  these  changes  can  include  any  of  the


                chosen careers lose their spark
                parents become empty nesters
                long term relationships come to an end
                we start experiencing the loss of family and
                friends.                                        When we take responsibility for our life, and
                we  start  acknowledging  that  time  is  finite,  when  we  are  willing  to  look  within  to
                and it is starting to run out.                  understand what is important to us, clarifying
                                                                our purpose is a simple process.
            Just  one  of  these  can  leave  a  void  in  one’s  life
            and  make  the  future  appear  daunting.  Any          You can thrive in midlife and
            combination can feel overwhelming.                       beyond by creating a life for
                                                                 yourself that honors your purpose.
            Traditionally,  society  has  given  us  a  number  of  You can do this in 3 simple steps:
            milestones to get past:
                grow up                                         1. create a vision of your IDEAL life based on

                go to school                                    your purpose
                get a job                                       2. identify and debunk all your beliefs that tell
                find a partner                                  you why you can’t have what you want
                have a family                                   3.  take  massive  action  and  make  that  ideal
                celebrate turning 65                            life your reality.
                                                                I first used this process to transform my own
            However,  we  have  no  socially  designated        life   and    I   have    seen    successful
            milestones  to  aim  for  beyond  that,  nothing  we  transformations in my clients who follow this

            can “officially” look forward to.                   process.
               A midlife crisis occurs when we ask               Midlife dissatisfaction is universal.
              “what now?” and look “out there” for                  A midlife “crisis” is optional.
                        ways to fill the void.                  The crisis happens when you look outside of

            When we do that, there will always be someone       yourself for ways to rebound from what has

            willing  to  sell  us  a  prepackaged  lifestyle  that,  been  identified  as  a  universal  human
            they claim, will bring joy back into our life.      tendency  to  feel  dissatisfied  with  life  that
            But none of those solutions is more than a shiny    occurs  anywhere  between  the  ages  of  45-
            object, a temporary distraction. The void is never  65.
            filled, we feel stuck, and we experience a crisis.
                                                                A better way to navigate through the midlife
            In his book “The Happiness Curve – Why life gets    blues is to take responsibility for your life, to
            better after 50” Jonathan Rauch cites numerous      look within to discover your purpose, and to
            studies  that  show  a  universal  tendency  for    create  a  life  for  yourself  that  honors  that
            humans to experience dissatisfaction in midlife,    purpose.
            regardless of our status, our level of success, or  To shake things up and start living life YOUR
            our material wealth.                                way.

            He also indicates that a rebound after midlife is The greatest gift of midlife is that it’s a
            associated  with  a  new  sense  of  purpose  and  time to create a life you REALLY love;
                                                                     you get to do life YOUR way.

            Krys Papppius, Krys Pappius Coaching
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