Page 14 - January 23 2023
P. 14

The  truth  is,  when  marketing  automation  is
                                                               done well with the right tool, it feels seamless
                                                               and intuitive. And so for that reason, we often
                                                               don’t  notice  when  it’s  done  well  -  because  it
                                                               feels natural, or personal.

                                                               This  creates  a  disproportionate  perception
                                                               that marketing automation has to be cold, or
                                                               has to feel robotic - but that’s only the reality
                                                               if it’s done poorly.

                                                                Marketing automation
                          By Darin Adams                       is only for big businesses

             Sales  and  Marketing  Automation  is  quickly     This is another falsehood that can artificially
             becoming  a  household  term  for  many  small    limit what we think we can do.
                                                               Too  many  small  business  owners  treat
             But along with the rise in it’s popularity, we’re  automation  as  something  they’ll  add  once
             also seeing a rise in misunderstanding how it     they get to a certain point of growth. Or reach
             works.                                            revenue goals.

             Here  are  three  marketing  automation  myths    We tell ourselves we don’t need it yet, and we
             we’re going to dispel:                            put it off, because we’re small, or because we
             1.    It’s cold and robotic                       manage  lead  follow  up  and  email  campaigns
             2.    It’s only for big businesses                manually still
             3.    It only helps with marketing activities

              Marketing Automation                               But the truth is that automation isn’t
                                                                 necessarily the reward for reaching a
                  is cold and robotic                           certain level, oftentimes it is the thing

             If you’ve heard any of these before, or even if              that gets you there.

             you haven’t, take a few minutes to join us as     Adopting  automation  when  you’re  first
             we  bust  these  myths  and  share  some          starting out is wise for two main reasons.
             healthier perspectives for thinking about the
             expanded  role  of  sales  and  marketing            First, because it’s easy to adopt systems
             automation in your business.                         that grow with your business when you are
                                                                  small.  It’s  much  harder  to  try  and  retrofit
             Many  people  feel  like  marketing  automation      automation  into  a  manual  process  when
             is  going  to  lack  personalization  and  be  cold  it’s large, or unwieldy.
             and  robotic,  because  they  have  been  on  the    And  the  second  reason  it’s  wise  is
             receiving  end  of  automation  that  felt  that     because  automation  allows  you  to  be
             way.                                                 more strategic in what you focus on.

             And  sometimes  it  is  cold  and  robotic  -  but  When  a  business  is  small,  the  owner  and
             only if it’s done poorly.                         employees tend to do everything. We all wear
                                                               multiple  hats,  because  that’s  just  what  it
             Remember,  automation  isn’t  arbitrary.  It      takes.
             takes an architect - so you can feel confident
             that you have agency in this equation.            But  not  everything  that  needs  to  be  done,
                                                               needs to be done by you.

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