Page 10 - January 23 2023
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Customer Service
If a customer cannot get their questions
answered, or if they get bad service, they will
not come back to that store. However, there
By Makram Jreissat are more ways to provide good service than
Introduction just talking or emailing. It is possible now to
have chatbots and live chats on a website
The world is rapidly changing. For example, along with a page of common questions and
consumer decisions have always been based on answers for their concerns. Most people
where their attention is. To make a purchase, have a short attention span, and that service
they used to rely on billboards, television & could be the difference between a sale or
radio, and friends & family recommendations. them clicking away to another website.
Now, they use websites, social media &
podcasts, and reviews from influencers & Customer Loyalty
random people online. If a business’ online The first time a customer makes a purchase,
presence is not strong, it will inevitably fail. businesses want them to keep coming back,
Software development companies like DareDev so they reward them. Tech has been
help businesses by analyzing their needs and extremely useful for this. There are loyalty
building software that will improve areas such programs that give customers points,
as brand trust, revenue generation, customer referral programs that give them discounted
service, customer loyalty, and decision making. or free stuff for bringing in a friend, and
Brand Trust mailing & texting lists to give them the best
Trust is one of the most important factors when custom deals and other useful information.
customers are looking for a brand to purchase Decision Making
from. The first thing a customer does when they
hear about a business is look them up online. Decisions should be made with logical
This can make or break a business. If they see reasoning, and that requires information.
positive information such as good online Data is abundant on the internet and can be
reviews, professionalism, and digital presence, collected from people who use websites and
they are more likely to choose one brand over social media. This gives the business owner
another. a powerful pool of data to work with, so they
can make the best decisions.
Revenue Generation
Money is the fuel that keeps a business Conclusion
operating. Customers could come into a store to All the ins and outs of tech with business
make their purchase, but it would be much easier may seem complicated, but they do not have
for them to buy online. In 2021, e-commerce was to be. These topics go much deeper, but a
a $599.2 billion dollar industry in the United business owner should not struggle if they
States. Even if a business did not want to do e- lack technical knowledge. They should
commerce, it would be extremely beneficial for consider educating themselves or hiring a
them to show their products online to give software development company like
customers a taste of their store before coming DareDev to take their business to the next
in. level.
Makram Jreissat, DareDev
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