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you don’t do things right once to get to the point where success
in a while, you do them right all is possible. Most important, you
of the time. Winning is a habit. must pay the price to stay there.”
Unfortunately, so is losing.” You can never own your weight-
loss success. You can only rent
Reducing weight is a lifestyle it. And the rent is due every
change and a lifetime endeavor. day in the form of the food and
It’s not like getting a vaccine beverage choices we choose to
where you get a shot and you’re eat and drink. It comes down to
done for the rest of your life. the choices you make.
Rephrasing this quote, you
can say, “Maintaining a healthy Is it worth it to you to put forth
weight is not a sometime thing; the time and effort to purchase
it’s an all the time thing. You the ingredients for a healthy meal
don’t lose weight in a healthy way and to take the time to prepare
occasionally. You reduce weight it? Or will you be like the majority
in a healthy manner and keep it who’d just go through the drive-
off.” thru or pick up a bucket of fried
Lombardi said, “The only place
success comes before work is in How often do you choose
the dictionary.” Achieving and convenience over health? When
maintaining a healthy weight it comes to results, Lombardi
is work. If anyone tells you said, “Some of us will do our
differently, they’re either naturally jobs well, some will not. But we
blessed with an awesome body or will be judged by only one thing
they’re lying. – the result.” Lombardi taught,
“Winning is a habit. Watch your
You’ll be challenged every day thoughts, they become your
by food companies, restaurants, beliefs. Watch your beliefs, they If the wisdom of Vince Lombardi
fast food chains, and at social become your words. Watch your won’t motivate you to act to shed
gatherings with friends and words, they become your actions. your unwanted pounds, what
families. Ads of people enjoying Watch your actions, they become will? Because if not now, when?
food, alcoholic beverages, and your habits. Watch your habits,
sodas are everywhere – TV, they become your character.” David Medansky, a retired divorce
magazines, newspapers, online, attorney, is an international best-
billboards. Food and drink are Achieving better health is a selling author, and a trusted
constantly pushed in front of you. mindset. Winning your weight authority for successful, healthy
Are you up to the challenge? issue means you’re willing to weight reduction.
forgo certain foods and beverages
Let’s be honest. No one is perfect. that others are enjoying and eat He wrote about his inspirational
But we can all strive to get healthier foods that others might weight-reduction journey in his
better. Professional athletes will ignore. book, Discover Your Thinner Self.
always say they can get better. His new weight reduction book, If
Vince Lombardi expressed it Think of food as fuel for your Not Now, When? Reduce Weight
best when he said, “Perfection body. Is there a legitimate reason – Create a Healthy Lifestyle is
is not attainable, but if we you don’t want to put the best available now.
chase perfection, we can catch fuel in your body for optimal
excellence.” performance? You can accomplish To contact David, visit www.
this simply by avoiding processed
Lombardi said, “Success is like foods, eating more whole or You can get David’s book here:
anything worthwhile. It has a holistic foods, and drinking more
price. You must pay the price to pure water. u/3GeWop
win and you have to pay the price