Page 24 - iNetrepreneurfall2019
P. 24

we would like to ultimately be in  segmentations or aspects of life to
                                            each facet of our lives.              consider;  what  a typical  baseline
                                                                                  may look  like;  how  growth  can
                                            Our determination, persistence,  be        achieved;    the   principles
                                            and follow-through will completely  associated with determination,
                                            change  who  and  what  we  are. It  persistence,  and  follow-through;
                                            will also change the way we view  and  finally,  the  application  of
                                            ourselves and create a whole new  these  principles  to  effectuate
                                            level  of  expectations  that  could  a change to attain the success
                                            not have been conceptualized  of who we want to be in each of
                                            prior. This  is  not  magic,  it  is  a  our  personal  segmentations  to
                                            process  of  focus  and  redefining  yield  ultimate  satisfaction  and
                                            ourselves for a higher, more  contentment within our own skin.
                                            efficient  level  of  productivity.  By  By adopting this model, practicing
                                            following the principles in each of  it, and tracking its success, we will
                                            four segments, many of our fears,  see that our lives can be more
                                            concerns, and  bad  habits  will  be  productive,  more successful,  and
                                            eradicated and  replaced  with  more satisfying than our present
                                            healthful  thinking  and  actions  state.
        Be Determined, Persistent,          that  support  a  new  view  of  how
                                            to succeed  in  a microcosm,  and  Erik Nesheim started  as an
        and Follow-Through                  then the confidence to apply them  accountant for a couple  of major
                             -by Erik Nesheim  holistically.                      law  firms  in  Philadelphia.  He
                                                                                  worked  for  a  CPA  firm  which  led
         To be determined and persistent,   Each  of  these  topical  subjects,  him to an opportunity to work for
         it is important we make changes    determination, persistence, and  a crisis management  company,
         within  ourselves  based  on  vital   follow-through  can  impact  a  helping  to  fix,  sell,  parse  out,  or
         principles  as  a  guide.  These   personal growth journey that will  bankrupt  companies  that were
         principles encourage, strengthen,   yield many learning and growing  in trouble. He gained experience
         and  provide  hope  for  any  out   experiences. These experiences  in the banking  industry as a
         there who  want to succeed in      create invaluable  lessons,  that  if  commercial and construction loan
         all areas of  life.  All  of  us  have   understood, can contribute to a  officer,  while  being  a  technology
         strengths and weaknesses, but by   new  psyche  of success and  yield  officer.
         establishing a determination, we   great accomplishment.  We  must
         can create a picture  of strength   start  our  journey  first  by  delving  The  technology experience  led  to
         where little was inside us before.   into these base principles in each  bringing to market many products
                                            personal segment and understand  for a major debit network including
         This  is  not  impossible;  it  just   how each one can help our lives  PC banking.  Later working for
         requires a change of mindset       greatly improve.                      the  largest credit  network  joint
         to facilitate our determination.                                         venture, he held an executive level
         Many  of us  struggle  to get      Can  we  truly  become who  we  position that enabled him to bring
         through the day to day and find    want  to become? We  must then  about cutting edge products in the
         it  difficult  to  have  time  to  think,   understand our personal baseline,  point of sale industry.
         meditate, or ponder our purpose.
         By  realizing  our  determination,   and  then  carefully  craft the  idea
         our personal vision can start      of how we want to modify our  After  the  twenty-five  years  of
         to take shape.  This will  be  our   baseline to understand  who we  business experience  he accepted
         foundation  that  we  can  persist   want to become. Once we do this,  a job teaching  Business  to high
         and follow-through with to reach   then we can apply  the principles  school students so that they could
         our  short-term  goals,  long-term   of   determination,  persistence,   be successful,  and he could give
         goals and ultimate purpose.        and follow-through to reach our  back. Following the ten years as an
                                            destination.                          educator, he accepted a position
         How  do  we  figure  out  our                                            as an Insurance Agent building his
         determination?  Being  in  touch   Find weekly meetings in your area  agency from scratch. In each of his
         with our desires, our values, our   at                 positions he has had and continues
         strengths, and  our weaknesses.                                          to have  a  passion for excellence,
         We  must  take  the  time  to      In the upcoming book,                 achievement,  and discipline  while
         eliminate  the  distractions  and   Determination, Persistence,          enjoying.
         think carefully about who we are,   and    Follow-through,    it   will
         who we want to be, and what        become apparent what  personal
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