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How High ENERGY Increases

                                                        Your Productivity

                                                                                 -by Donna Guinouard

        We all know that energy is essential to our daily life.  After all, we use it 24 hours a day, and use an even
        higher amount of energy while we sleep.  It also goes without saying, that eating a well balanced diet
        and getting daily exercise will help increase your energy, but that is only a part of the equation!

        Energy affects us in every aspect  be a person, or a specific place or  well-being or deteriorate it.  Your
        of our lives as well  as being  a  thing. Being around anything that  energy can make you money or
        busy  entrepreneur.  Warren  brings negativity into your life  lose you money. In essence, you
        Buffett said it best when he said,  will not only  lower your energy  create  the  ripple  effect  through
        “Without passion, you don’t have  level,  it  can  even  lead  to  health  your energy, determining  your
        energy. Without energy, you have  issues, which  over time, can  future, and that of your clients.
        nothing.”  There are many small,  even lower your immune system.
        but important steps you can take  Once  we  have  that  figured  out,  We all want more productivity in
        each day to increase your energy  they  are now equipped  with  the  our lives, for ourselves, our family,
        in exponential ways.                 tools to then  radiate positive  and certainly, our businesses.
                                             energy  within  themselves  first,
        Here are a few tips you can easily  and  understand  that  they  are  You can learn more about High
        incorporate into your busy day  responsible  for  the  ripple  effect  ENERGY Performance Coaching
        if  you  aren’t  already  doing  so.  of the high energy they manifest  at
        Start  your  day  off  with  passion  for a more productive life.
        and  smile to yourself  in  the                                           Donna Guinouard is the owner/
        mirror.  Write down  or say what  You  may  be  asking  yourself,         founder     of    High    ENERGY
        you are grateful for.  Exchange a  what  does  any  of  this  have  to    Performance Coaching. She works
        negative thought immediately for  do  with  being  more productive        with people who need to find their
        a positive one. Every hour, get up  as an entrepreneur?  We  live         ENERGY balance  in  life  again,
        and move, stretch your arms and  on  a  vibrational  planet,  and         and helps them understand what
        legs for a few minutes and get the  everything on the planet vibrates,    foods and exercise works for them,
        blood flowing again.                 including people. We either have     based on their lifestyle. She has
                                             a high vibration of energy or a low   also owned  her  own  Health  and
        Doing  these  types  of  things,  will  vibration of energy. When  your   Wellness business for 16 years and
        actually  change  your  paradigms  energy vibration is high, it results   has a passion for helping people to
        and  increase  the  endorphins  in  feelings  of love, happiness,         be the best version of themselves.
        in  your  brain,  increasing  your  trust, respect and  so on. Low        Donna  became  an  entrepreneur
        ENERGY which, in turn, increases  energy vibration will come from         before she was 20 as a cosmetic
        your productivity.                   emotions  like  anger,  depression,   consultant, as well as having her
                                             stress, distrust and so forth.       own international radio show. She
        When I coach my clients, I give them                                      is a published author, a speaker,
        the  tools  to  see  and  understand   When you work with your existing   sits on the board of Network
        trapped  energy  (I  call  them      clients or are trying to get a new   Together as well as facilitates the
        energy vampires) that is toxic and   client, your energy shows up with    Scottsdale Chapter.
        dysfunctional to them. This could    you and will determine if you are
                                             going  to enhance  your  client’s
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