Page 7 - iNetrepreneurfall2019
P. 7

The Secrets to

                                                       Successful Connecting

                                                                     -by Jill Lublin

        Connecting is the art of building relationships; relationships that last. It’s the forming of bonds with
        people that can grow into deeper, closer, more meaningful relationships.

        Making  close connections is  is no substitute  for quality,” T.  good terms with the prospect than
        essential  because  people  prefer  Harv Eker states. If the quality you  to land the sale and subsequently
        to work and interact those with  provide is outstanding, you don’t  alienate the customer.  If your
        whom they feel connected. They  have  to  do  lots  of  networking.  honesty  costs you  a deal, think
        share common interests, feelings,  People will network for you. They  of it this way: the customer may
        values, and  beliefs.  They trust  will  tell others about  you  and  remember your truthfulness and
        them and  want to help them  recommend you.  People  love  to  call on you again. However, if
        more. Instead  of  concentrating  refer others to those who provide  you over-inflate or fail to deliver,
        on closing one-time sales, work to  the  top  quality.”  It  makes them  your future  with  that prospect
        build close, long-term connections  look good.                            will  be  doomed,  over, kaput.
        that will endure.                                                         Plus,  aggrieved  customers tend
                                             Stick to the facts. It’s easy to  to  tell  their  friends  about  their
        Be  honest  and  build  trust.  exaggerate and promise more  dissatisfaction — especially when
        Exaggerating and  falsifying  may  than you can deliver, but it doesn’t  they  feel they  were intentionally
        help  produce  quick  sales, but  pay.  Be  honest.  Connect  with  deceived.
        over time, they  will  do  you  in.  potential customers by telling
        Overstating and failing to deliver  them the results your goods and  When you’re looking for business,
        as promised kills  relationships  services have achieved. Better  offer your goods or services at an
        because customers want what  yet,  document  the  results,  put  attractive price. Be fair and don’t
        they were promised. Few will  on  demonstrations, and  show  gouge; build trust. Give potential
        continue to conduct business with  them proof. Provide them with  customers a price incentive for
        those who  have not  kept  their  endorsements         from    satisfied  giving  you  their business.  When
        word. Not delivering precisely as  customers; take them to sites  you  have  performed well  for
        promised is the best way to ruin  to your goods or services in  them, you can use them showcase
        your reputation and brand.           operation  with  other  customers.  to sell future customers. You will
                                             Then explain to your prospects  also have forged connections
        To create solid  connections,  exactly how you can help them.             with  satisfied  customers  who
        follow these suggestions:                                                 will give you repeat business and
                                             Don’t  promise too  much  —  recommend you to others.
        Perfect your art. Deliver top  especially if you may not be able
        quality. Do what you do excellently,  to deliver. Be completely honest.  Ask  satisfied  customers  to  give
        as well as it can be done. “There  It’s better to lose a sale and stay on  you endorsements or letters of
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