Page 12 - iNetrepreneurfall2019
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What they care about is what Speakers Pathway Coalition was
you can do for them to solve born.” The two men sat down in
their problem. So, rather than Don’s home and started drafting
tell your story, Jim and Don help a rough outline of their vision for
you to walk people through a creating a true coalition to train,
sequence of thoughts that have coach and help people get their
them understand how you can message out to others.
help them, and select you as the
person they want to help them Since then, in less than one year
with their problem. Jim and Don have recruited six
Executive Training Directors
who are subject matter experts
You may be wondering how Don in marketing, branding, video Don McGrath, Ph.D. is an award-
McGrath and Jim Grant came production, entrepreneurship, winning author and speaker,
to create the Speakers Pathway building a following, speaking, having written 50 Athletes Over
Coalition. Well, it truly was a labor authorship, social media, and 50, Vertical Mind: Psychological
of love, born out of necessity. have created more the 30 courses Approaches for Optimal Rock
Both men loved speaking, but on topics to help entrepreneurs Climbing, and The Climb:
they did not like what they saw clarify and spread their message A Leadership Fable About
in the speaking industry. It’s so that they can attract more Navigating Challenging Change. As
similar to a musician who loves clients and grow their business. Co-Founder of Speakers Pathway
playing music but does not care They also have a live radio show, Coalition he now shows others
for the music business. They Your Future is Now, where they how to grow their business by
saw many people paying tens of feature guests who are experts writing their book, speaking,
thousands of dollars to learn to on topics that help entrepreneurs and establishing themselves as
speak, yet not getting any return in their business. an undisputed expert. You can
on that investment. Don McGrath contact Don via email at don@
said “speaker training is very Their members are achieving
expensive, often costing $2,000 amazing results. “We have
to $4,000 a day, yet nine out of one member who has been
ten people we met were not able working on their business for Jim Grant founded and owned
to turn that training into paid decades and has spent tens of a manufacturing business that
speaking and get a positive return thousands of dollars on coaches earned a ‘preferred vendor’
on their investment. That made and consultants, yet in just a few status with many Fortune 500
Jim and I sick and motivated us to months in our program has made Companies. After 31 years, (3
find another way.” more progress in a few months Active Duty and 28 Reserves), he is
than in the past several years. Jim a retired US Army Master Sergeant
Jim Grant stated, “Yeah, Don Grant said, “that is why we are andVietnam Veteran. During his
and I kept comparing notes and doing this. It feels so great to help military career, Jim became a US
lamenting about the things we people.” Army Certified Instructor, Regional
were running into. We started out Area Manager (RAM) and Course
with phone calls and Google docs If you are interested in growing Manager. He is a Lifetime Member
capturing ideas.” your business and want of the famed 95th Training Division,
to understand how to use VFW and a founding sponsor of
Then, as Jim likes to say, they got speaking to do so, visit www. Army Historical Foundation and
a lucky break. Don, who is an and contact Museum. He is the co-founder of
accomplished rock climber, fell Don and Jim. They will help you Speakers Pathway Coalition and in
and broke his ankle. get your message out in a big addition to wearing many hats, he
way so that you can attract more is the host of a “LIVE” weekly radio
McGrath recounts, “So, I was clients and help more people. show “Your Future Is Now” that is
home recovering from this fall, available on podcasts and iTunes.
with my foot in a cast, and Jim The show receives thousands of
knew I wasn’t going anywhere, downloads a day. Jim has over 25
so he told me ‘Don, I’m coming years of speaking experience.
to Colorado Springs’. That’s how