Page 26 - iNetreprenuer.magazine.winter2020
P. 26
Sisterhood In
Business And Beyond
by Laura Marcos
When I see women from different Anyone that understands energy that ruled the household
parts of the world marching or the power of vision boards was survival. Mired in my own
singing in unison, it’s a direct line can appreciate this image insecurities, I was a stranger to
to the heart. From one moment manifesting itself through a my own heart and could not be
to the next, you might find me in collective butterfly effect. Then a “sister” to myself, much less
a river of tears colored with joy, the question becomes, “How another female.
relief, and compassion. can we awaken more caterpillars
to the transformative power of Yet the power of the sacred
The power of women standing sisterhood in alignment to the that lies within each of us kept
in the strength of surrendering highest good? Said another way, knocking on my door. I kept
to the power of solidarity, how can we make the spirit of opening to learn how to let go
women with their hearts aligned genuine connection so enticing and embrace my true essence,
to the magnetic frequency of that competition just fades into thanks to my friendships with
pure love—it’s an awe-inspiring collaboration? women. Like warriors, we chose
sensation that feels as if it can to radically love each other,
unlock any door and whisk away Sisterhood circles, priestess work through our differences,
any hurtful paradigms in our schools, and women’s networks and offer one another limitless
personal and professional worlds. are all on the rise, but many mirrors through which to reflect
women are still learning what and transmute our own shadows.
As beautiful as it sounds, is sisterhood means. Comparing and It was not always easy, but we
true sisterhood attainable in competing is so deeply ingrained were willing to do the “work” of
our families and communities? in our cultural conditioning that helping each other find authentic
What could happen if every for many women the concept harmony and empowerment. My
woman in the world experienced of “sisterhood” is still a foreign gratitude for the women in my
this profound sensation concept. life knows no boundaries. From
simultaneously? Can women my peers, to professors and
united literally heal social, I, myself, did not truly understand mentors, women have played
economic, and environmental the power of sisterhood until my instrumental role in shaping my
injustice? late 20’s. As the only daughter presence.
of an immigrant family, the