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P. 28
What Is The
Digital Marketing?
by Darrell Stern
I’m celebrating 30 years in B2B and B2C digital marketing, and it’s quite a celebration.
Over the years, I’ve developed a few philosophies and ethics in and around digital marketing that I wanted to
share with you, because if you believe and honestly understand these methodologies and these philosophies,
then perhaps you, your company, and your brand would be a perfect fit to work with us because we have to be in
sync, not just in terms of what we want to accomplish, but also what our core philosophies and core values are.
Let’s go over a few of them.
The first is that marketing is people—your target market—and Finally, your story is repeatable.
theater. those who would need you the
most. Do you ever meet people and they
It must be dramatic and move your say, “You’ve got to hear the story
target audience to take action. What The next is... about this?”, or “Can I tell you about
does that mean? We live in a media- this blog that I read or this video
driven world, and if the media that To market what you do, you must tell that I saw? It was fantastic.”
you’re creating is not somehow people what you do, and you must
emotionally moving the person tell them over and over and over One of our main goals is to make
towards working with you, towards again in hundreds and hundreds if your story so clear and valuable to
communicating with you, towards not thousands of different creative the people who will fall in love with
engaging with you, that could be the ways. you the most that they will be able
reason why your marketing is falling to repeat it to others. You might call
flat. While other people don’t want Having only a one page website, it word of mouth marketing. They
any drama in their lives, I say let’s one blog, one Facebook post, or will tell their friends about a great
bring on the drama. something random thing that you’re video they saw, then they will share
putting out there does not really tell and tag all of their friends. We want
The second is marketing is the art of your story. We’ve got to tell people to make your story is so crystal clear
starting meaningful conversations. what you do, how you do it, prove and memorable that others can
Regarding those conversations confidence in your brand, and get repeat it by heart.
with your prospects, your potential people to believe, trust, and have
vendor partners, or business confidence in you. That will raise And finally, our ultimate goal is to
partners—our job working in with your value. That will raise your sales. have your company and your brand
you is to start communications And that will really show off your and your products and your services
between you and those right value proposition in your B2B or be known, and not just seen.
B2C business.