Page 32 - iNetreprenuer.magazine.winter2020
P. 32

iFlip: Using A.I. To

                                                                Mitigate Your Risks

                                                                While Trading Stocks

        If you’re a regular, everyday, normal person trying to make money by investing in stocks traded on Wall Street,
        you may feel like a gambler in a casino where you know the house always wins.

        For    decades,   major    financial  Wall  Street  investing  world  on  its  volatile times and in open positions
        institutions  have  controlled  the  head.  Says  Korshak,  “Through the  during growth periods.
        investing market using professional  use  of  AI,  we are now providing
        mathematical  tools  to  give  them  access to long-term investment  By         using   algorithmic   trading
        a leg up  on the average investor.  vehicles  that  were  not  available  in  software, your account can win big
        This  has  given  them  the  ability  to  the past. They are truly the future of  and  lose  small.  AI  mitigates  your
        charge a variety of fees that most of  investing.”                        risk over the long-term.  The trick
        us don’t know or hear about. Over                                         is to make your investment and be
        time,  these  fees  can  add  up  to  be  iFlip’s  investment  software  helps  patient,  which  is  important  for  all
        more than  what  you’ve invested.  protect  your  wealth  by  cutting  investments.  It’s designed to grow
        However, one company strives to  out  the  middleman,  (e.g.,  financial  wealth  over  time,  not  a  “get  rich
        turn that around.                    advisors, mutual funds, brokers, and  quick” or a “day trading” plan.
                                             banks). The power of the AI is utilized
        iFlip is a leading algorithmic  for  you, just  as  wealthy investors  Costs and Fees
        intelligence  (AI)  stock  trading  have been using it for years. Now,
        technology.   iFlip’s  CTO    Kelly  with iFlip, you can grow your wealth  Other institutions charge fees based
        Korshak, is the genius architect  (retirement and stocks) using secure  on  the  balance  of  your  account,
        and  institutional  trader  who  has  algorithmic trading minus the hefty  normally a percentage that increases
        developed this technology  with  management fees.                         as  your account  value  increases.
        over $4 Billion of investment funds                                       Then, there are hidden fees. These
        on  Wall Street.  This company is  Designed to Reduce Your Risk           fees  may  seem  inconsequential
        proving  to  be  truly  disruptive  in  a                                 because  they  are  presented  as  2%
        space  that  has  been  controlled  by  iFlip’s  algorithmic  trading  software  here  and  2%  there,  but  they  add
        investment management companies  is  designed  to  reduce  your  risk  in  up. The fees can become excessive,
        for decades.                         the market and grow wealth for long  eating away at your account, making
                                             term investments. It performs in all  Wall Street institutions more money.
        Levels the Playing Field             market  conditions,  working  when  And  letting  the  house  continue  to
                                             the market is trending up, down  win!
        Seeing the need to level the playing  or  staying sideways.  It alternates
        field  in  favor  of  the  individual  between  cash  and  open  positions,
        investor,  iFlip  is  here  to  “flip”  the  keeping your money in cash during

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